Healing Process

Day 1-2: you might have slight redness and / or discomfort
Day 2-4: The color will appear darker as it begins healing
Day 5-7: Exfoliation begins and they start to itch. Do not exfoliate yourself. Skin will flake and peel from the outside edges first.
Day 8-12: Once flaking is complete there will still be a nearly invisible later of skin that will make your color appear faded. With in the first 2 weeks after flaking you will notice some of the color coming back through as the skin continues to repair itself. You will see the strokes widen and soften.
Day 14: Its not unusual to see some strokes fade or disappear.
The touch-up is to go over the strokes that may have disappeared. This is why the treatment is a 2 step process.
Your touch-up will ensure the longevity of your color. 3 months should be the maximum amount of time before your touch-up.